RBS Resources
- Curriculum
- Career Management
- OCM Events
- Contact Program Staff
- MITSA (Master of Information Technology Student Association)
- MITA Capstone Project Form
- MITA Internship Form
University Resources
Class Registration
- Web Registration System (WebReg)
- Office of the Registrar
- University Academic Calendar
- University Schedule of Classes
Policy on Business Course in RBS
- You do not need any special permission to take a course that is listed as a foundation, concentration or elective
- All courses starting with 22:544:xxx count as a MITA course and do not require special permission EXCEPT for 22:544:575 Data Analysis and Decision Making which is not a MITA course
- If a course does not have a 22:544:xxx number, but is listed as MITA elective, then students can register in them without explicit approval of directors (for example, 22:799:661 Introduction to Project Management)
- Ph.D. level courses taught by the MSIS faculty are acceptable for MITA electives and you do not need permission from directors
- If you wish to take a course outside of the categories listed above, you must get permission from one of the directors (Prof. Atluri or Alizadeh)
- For courses outside of the MITA curriculum and MSIS department, a student should get approval by e-mail from one of the directors before registering. A request along with a recent syllabus of the course should be accompanied in the email.
- You need to get permission from one of the directors for any deviation from the foundation courses requirements
- Students with strong IT or analytics background are permitted to take up to two courses from the Business School “business classes”. However, you must get permission from one of the directors by email.
- Bill Paying
- Campus Operating Status - Newark
- Campus Operating Status - New Brunswick
- Canvas
- Financial Aid
- Grades (Transcripts)
- ID Card Services (Photo ID)
- Libraries
- MyRutgers
- People Search
- Personal Information Update
- Student Instructional Rating Survey (Course evaluation)
- Transportation Services
- Web Mail