Rutgers Business School 100 Rock
March 19: Phone: Call Forwarding or Voicemail to Email
Good Morning Everyone,
If you are interested in forwarding your office telephone number to a designated number and or activating voice mail to email, you will have to put in a service ticket via https://tdtools.rutgers.edu/voiceservice/
Voicemails to Email: https://sites.rutgers.edu/td-voice/voicemail/
- What will happen when you delete a message in your Outlook / Office365 inbox?
- When a voice message is deleted from Outlook, it is also deleted from Cisco Unity Connection Server (voicemail system).
- What will happen when the voicemail to email messages goes from unread to read?
- When you read the email (unread to read) the MWI (message waiting indicator) will turn off after all voicemails to emails are read.
How to reach us from 8:30 AM to 4:30 Monday – Friday by phone for support?
- We can be reached at 848-445-7541 – select option #2, if we are not able to answer please leave a voicemail and we will return your call ASAP.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you and have a great day.
Melissa Rivera, PhD
Senior Associate Dean of Administration and Finance
Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick
1 Washington Park, Office of the Dean, Room 1184, Newark, NJ 07102| (P) 973.353.1893 | (Cell) 973.986.1206 | (F) 973.353.2923
100 Rockafeller Road, Room 5149, Piscataway, NJ 08854 | 848.445.4517 | (F) 732.445.0074
Hi Everyone,
Below you will find step-by-step instructions for submitting a ticket via the system. Cyndi thank you for typing these instructions out for everyone.
- All Other Services
- Forward Line/Phone number (A note will pop up with a link to online instructions. The link timed out)
- Click Next to create a work order
- Enter request phone number (Work Phone number) --> Next
- Enter a contact phone number (suggest your cell phone) --> Next
- Enter Building Location: 4181-New Brunswick/ 7491-Newark
- Enter building room number: Your Office number
- Set the priority --> Finish
- You will receive a ticket number