Proficiency Requirements
Calculus and Statistics Modules are required for the MBA program as prerequisites for our quantitative courses and the degree. To satisfy these requirements, you must complete assigned modules. Information will be provided during the MBA Orientation on how to complete the proficiencies.
Part-Time MBA Core
(All courses required / 19 credits)
22:010:577 - Accounting for Managers - 3 credits
An introduction to financial statement analysis which builds on the fundamentals of accounting, including understanding the accounting equation and its application in building the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. Basic accounting concepts, accounting principles, and the audit report are presented. Students work in teams to analyze corporate financial statements. The relationship of economic value to accounting measurement is explored together with factors influencing management choices among competing valuation principles. Theory is applied to the valuation of the asset, liability, and owners' equity accounts. Emphasizes the heavy reliance on estimates in constructing financial statements and how management can use such estimates to strategically manage its reporting responsibilities.
22:223:581 - Managerial Economic Analysis - 3 credits *
Introduces the aspects of economics that are most relevant to the operation of the individual firm or nonprofit organization. Covers theory of individual economic behavior, demand theory and demand estimation, cost and supply, price determination, production decisions, and industry structure.
Prerequisite: Proficiency Requirements
22:390:587 - Financial Management - 3 credits *
Provides a general survey of the field, including the basic principles of corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, and investment theory. Corporate finance topics covered include the objective of financial management, valuation of assets and associated problems in the valuation of the firm, acquisition of long trimester assets (capital budgeting), management of short-trimester assets, capital structure, and financial statement analysis. Financial markets and institutions studied include money markets, stock and bond markets, derivatives, and the banking system. Investment analysis topics include portfolio theory and asset pricing models.
Prerequisite: Proficiency Requirements; and Accounting for Managers (22:010:577)
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Managerial Economic Analysis (22:223:581)
22:620:585 - Organizational Behavior - 3 credits
Explores human dynamics by examining the role of management and learning styles in the effective functioning of organizations.Topics include personality types, motivation, cognition and learning, communication, team development, and leadership. Through class discussions, case analyses, simulations, and group projects, students learn critical managerial skills such as communication, decision making, conflict resolution, and team building.
22:630:586 - Marketing Management - 3 credits
The purpose of the course is to offer an understanding of the nature and role of marketing in the firm and in the society. Students will gain knowledge regarding the marketing decisions of price, place, promotion, product, develop an understanding of consumer behavior, market research, social and cultural factors affecting marketing. The course will expose students to a series of marketing principals, frameworks, and analyses. These techniques will be applied to a series of case studies to reinforce the concepts. At the end of the course the students should be able to develop effective marketing plans for products and services.
22:799:580 - Operations Analysis - 3 credits *
Covers fundamentals of performance analysis for various operational issues encountered in real life supply chain processes. The major topics include demand forecasting techniques, sales and operations planning (SOP), mathematical programming applications and spreadsheet solutions, supply chain inventory planning, uncertainty, and safety stock management, project resource allocation and risk analysis, network design and facility location selections, and computer simulation and quality management. Harvard Business Cases on developing cost-effective solutions for continuous improvement of a company's operational efficiency and strategic position in today's highly dynamic and competitive marketplace are used. The objective of the course is to help our students to develop analytical thinking skills and to build the knowledge of business performance optimization toward operational excellence of supply chains.
Prerequisite: Proficiency Requirements
22:373:628 - Business, Ethics, and Society - 1 credit
Course # 22:373:628 - 1 credit
A major priority of the course is to equip students to make thoughtful and effective arguments as to how to deal with business issues as to which there is no obvious, clear answer, and in which ethical, social, or political concerns are present. Learning in the classroom will take place primarily through discussing readings, which should be read before class; lecturing will be secondary to discussion.
Note: 5 weeks; attendance required
- Proficiency requirements must be completed first for Managerial Economic Analysis, Financial Management, and Operations Analysis
- 5 Weeks; attendance required for Business, Ethics, and Society
Foundation Courses
(Choose 3 courses / 6-7 credits)
22:198:609 - Information Technology for Managers - 2 credits *
The objective of this course is to study management's role in the development and use of information systems that help businesses achieve their goals and objectives. Information Technology (IT) has been the driving force behind the new way of doing business. IT has enabled modern organizations to make tremendous strides in productivity, has opened new markets, and has created new product and service opportunities. Managers should understand how IT could help to organize the complexity of modern organizations, manage relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees, and improve work efficiency.
22:373:551 - Business Communications - 2 credits
Sharpens the writing and speaking skills of MBA students so that they will be more effective communicators. Assignments progress from simple to increasingly complex reports and include abstracts, case analyses, statistical analyses, and library research. Class time is taken up with instruction on organizing written reports, analysis of samples of students' writing, and oral presentations by students.
22:140:592 - Business Law for Managers and Entrepreneurs (formerly Law and Legal Reasoning 22:373:592) - 2 credits
Introduces the legal environment in which management functions. Studies the law of corporations as a system for affecting relationships among the corporation, its shareholders, employees, managers, and society. Exposes student to managerial aspects of antitrust and securities law as well as to current questions regarding business's role in society.
22:553:593 - International Business - 2 credits
This course examines the challenges that firms, whether based domestically or abroad, must confront in an increasingly connected global market. We will explore macro-environmental issues of world trade, macroeconomic stability, foreign investment, currency exchange, institutions, government policies, and global politics. The goal of this macro perspective is to develop students’ skills in identifying and analyzing changes in the economic, political, and social environments of business. This course will also take a firm-level perspective and examine the managerial strategies pertaining to operational and stakeholder management across country borders.
22:620:588 - Strategic Management - 2 credits
Discusses skills and concepts needed to manage an organization to compete effectively in its environment. Provides tools for identifying environmental opportunities and threats and organizational strengths and weaknesses. Serves as a basis for the interfunctional management team consulting project.
It is recommended that students complete the MBA Core classes prior to taking Strategic Management
Co-requisite: Organizational Behavior (22:620:544 or 22:620:585) may be a co-requisite to Strategic Management
22:960:575 - Data Analysis & Decision Making - 3 credits *
Introduces statistics as applied to managerial problems. Emphasis is on conceptual understanding as well as conducting statistical analyses. Students learn the limitations and potential of statistics, gain hands-on experience using Excel, as well as comprehensive packages, such as SPSS®. Topics include descriptive statistics, continuous distributions, confidence intervals for means and proportions, and regression. Application areas include finance, operations, and marketing. Introduces the basic concepts of model building and its role in rational decision making. Knowledge of specific modeling techniques, such as linear and nonlinear programming, decision analysis, and simulation, along with some insight into their practical application is acquired. Students are encouraged to take an analytic view of decision making by formalizing trade-offs, specifying constraints, providing for uncertainty, and performing sensitivity analyses. Students form groups to collect and analyze data, and to write and present a final report.
Prerequisite: Proficiency Requirements
- Proficiency requirements must be completed first for Data Analysis & Decision Making*
Integrative Course Requirement
(Choose 1 course / 3 credits)
22:621:543 - Integrated Business Applications - 3 credits
Students consult with a private or public corporation or government agency on a business problem under a contract with the client institution. Requires students working with a faculty member to undertake, analyze, and report on the assignment and present recommendations to executive managers from the client organization. Consulting assignments are completed in teams.
Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses & 30 credits required
22:620:672 - Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development - 3 credits
This course is designed for students who exhibit high degrees of self-direction and significant interest in urban issues, entrepreneurship, and/or economic development. Students will be challenged to work individually and in teams on projects, reports, and research at the intersection of business, community development, new venture creation, urban policy, and economic development.
The course will explore the many dimensions of urban entrepreneurship and economic development through an exploration of the business and policy issues, the use of action research methods and the development and completion of consulting projects. The location of the course in Newark provides a unique opportunity to have the city become a laboratory for student education in the areas of urban entrepreneurship and economic development. Students in this course will be directly involved in the economic development initiatives of Rutgers-Newark and The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development.
22:799:650 - Supply Chain Management Industry Project - 3 credits
This course builds upon academic SCM learnings by working on "real life" supply chain management projects requested by our Rutgers Center for Supply Chain Management Advisory Board companies and corporate partners. Students in this course must identify and understand the key issues, formulate models, complete analyses, and apply SCM course learnings to solve real-world problems. Faculty members whose expertise lies in a particular area are available to assist students with complexities of the projects. The projects change each semester depending on the current requirements of the clients, but always focus on specific issues within the supply chain. Client visits may be included to better understand the project scope and work with the company executives. The culmination of the project will be a formal presentation to the client's SCM executives and management team along with delivery of a final report. The presentation and report will include the team's approach, data analysis, findings and recommendations.
Prerequisite: Operations Analysis (22:799:580)
22:620:685 - Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship & Commercialization
The Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (CTEC) is a unique, interdisciplinary and experiential learning initiative at Rutgers, designed like some famous business accelerators. Graduate Students in RBS, SOE, Medical School, and Pharmacy School become co-founders and executives to master the skills necessary for entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. CTEC provides two courses that focus on translating cutting-edge technology into business ventures. Students, faculty, inventors and executive mentors collaborate to learn how to launch real startups and acquire small businesses (entrepreneurship through acquisition). Learn how to develop business models, raise venture capital, lead as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs (corporate), invest, consult, and serve on Advisory Boards.
- Completion of all core classes and some electives for a minimum of 30 credits which is required for Integrated Business Applications for part-time students.
- Supply Chain Management Industry Project and Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development cannot be used to satisfy the integrative course requirement and as an elective for a concentration at the same time. Double counting is not permitted
- Part-Time students must complete all 7 core courses, 3 foundational courses, an integrative course, and 49 credits to complete the requirements for their MBA degree.
MBA Concentrations
Students can view more information about their concentration track by visiting the MBA concentrations page.
Dual Concentrations
Dual Concentrations in the Part-Time MBA require a minimum of 12 credits in each Concentration except in the case of Finance, Pharmaceutical Management, and MRIA which requires 15 credits each. Accounting requires 18-21 credits to complete and is only available for Part-Time students.