Teaching Remotely and Taking Your Classes Online

Technology, Tools, and Best Practices

The material on this site is designed to be a resource for faculty to assist in moving their traditional face to face courses online.  The material will focus on both asynchronous methods of content delivery as well as fully synchronous sessions.  The tools and platforms referenced are available to all faculty and supported through the RBS Office of Technology & Instructional Services and/or the Rutgers Office of Information Technology.


What does it mean to make content accessible? The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, states that all individuals should have equal accessibility -- including online instructional opportunities. ADA requires that all online sources be fully compliant from the start of the course, which can be challenging.

Instructors may choose to engage their students synchronously or asynchronously depending on the course content or material that needs to be taught.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Synchronous: instructors and students gather at the same time and interact in “real time” with a very short or “near-real time” exchange between instructors and students.

Asynchronous: instructors prepare course materials for students in advance of students’ access. Students may access the course materials at a time of their choosing and will interact with each other over a longer period of time utilizing the Blackboard or Canvas LMS.

Exam Monitoring Tools

Exam monitoring tools are available for your use for remote online proctoring.