Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching Remotely

Does Academic Integrity (AI) still stand? If so, have there been any changes with respect to protocol (i.e., filing a violation, “meeting” with a student, adjudicating, and the like)?

Yes, AI is still in effect. The Dean’s Office has provided students with the following memo:

As COVID-19 tests our resilience, let us not forget that we are nevertheless responsible for our actions in these challenging times. We want to take this opportunity to highlight the value of academic integrity and its central role in the learning process. Our instructors have been working diligently to ensure the best possible learning experience for you online. Your corresponding responsibility as an RBS student is to maintain the expectations that your instructors and the university have for you, even as the interactions, assignments, and exams are conducted remotely.

To this end, Rutgers University Academic Integrity Policy is still in effect. We take our commitment to the principles of academic integrity very seriously. Our community expects the highest ethical behavior from our students, online or otherwise. We wish to remind you that any violation of the academic integrity policy will be prosecuted immediately, with sanctions including course failure or expulsion. RBS Office of Technology & Instructional Service will be conducting cyber-surveillance as needed. Please also recall that it is your responsibility to report any observed or suspected violations at

Thank you for upholding your integrity and ensuring the tradition of academic excellence at Rutgers Business School.

Concerning the reporting of alleged violations, the protocol has gone mostly unchanged, as filings are done online anyway. Faculty who need to file a violation of AI can refer to the following website. Note that meetings and adjudicating cases will be facilitated on Webex.

Must I include a Privacy / FERPA statement in my syllabus?

Not necessarily. However, if you have access to student data, you are responsible for its proper handling. No matter what the form or content, you are accountable for handling student records in accordance with the law and University policy. FERPA requires that anyone accessing private student records have a “legitimate educational interest” for the information.

Regarding students with disabilities, will Rutgers or RBS make accessibility accommodations for those who have difficulty using learning or meeting tools?

Tips for providing accommodation to students with disabilities have been provided by the Office of Disability Services here.

May I record one-on-one conversations or meetings?

No. If a meeting or one-on-one conversation would not be recorded when in-person, then it should not be recorded when working remotely.

How can I meet with a student online, while ensuring the conversation is private and secure from interruption (e.g., office hours)?

Using Webex or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, lock your sessions to keep uninvited people from joining. If you don't lock your sessions, anyone can enter your room’s URL. If another person enters your session, you can expel that person.

May I share recordings from my WebEx or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra classes?

Not publicly. WebEx recordings that include a student’s voice, face, and/or any reference to student records are an educational record protected by FERPA. Access to such recordings may need to be limited to the instructor and students.

What if my students don’t have internet access at home?

Several providers of internet access have committed to providing access to students via the Keep Americans Connected Pledge. The arrangements vary among providers, so check these webpages for more details:

Altice USA/Optimum







What software is available for my students to use to complete coursework (e.g., Microsoft 365, SPSS, etc.)?

Students may access a variety of software, including Microsoft 365 here.

What is a VPN, and should I use it? Should I encourage my students who live internationally to use it, especially in areas where there are firewalls established and content cannot be streamed readily?

When you're using a public Wi-Fi network, even one that's password-protected, a VPN is recommended. Remote Access VPN (Virtual Access Network) provides connectivity that allows remote computers to behave as though they were directly attached to the campus network infrastructure. While connected, resources only available to computers directly connected to the campus network are accessible. Click the link to register for the new VPN platform.

Are there any forums that I can create a community to keep the class “together” when a virtual class is not in session?

Are research assistants (PhD students) available to assist with my current semester’s course as well as to help me better prepare for the summer and possibly the fall term?

Yes, they are. Please contact Goncalo Filipe at

Will I have the ability to work with a tech specialist or instructional designer to improve my course for the summer semester and even the fall?

Please contact Rudi Leuschner to discuss your needs.