If you are a student enrolled in a course with a research participation requirement and do not wish to participate in experimental and survey research or you are under the age of 18, you may earn credit through an alternative assignment option.
Students who choose this option must read one empirical article assigned to them from the journal list below. The student will then write a 2-3-page summary of that research article. The article should be a thorough and comprehensive summary of the journal article. Assuming a passing grade, the student will receive 1 research point (equivalent to one hour of research participation). Students must read the exact number of papers as points needed (e.g. if a student needs two lab hours, the student should read and write two separate papers). Students should also take note that high standards are expected for a passing performance.
Any student interested in participating in the alternative assignment option must sign up through Sona by the deadline found in their course syllabus Please sign up for one of the alternative assignment ‘waves’ found in Sona. If you were blocked from Sona for missing too many lab appointments, please email the behavioral lab to unlock your account.
Marketing students will be assigned an article from list of papers published in one of the following journals: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, or Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Management students will be assigned an article from list of papers published in one of the following journals: Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Administrative Science Quarterly, or Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Please Note: Students should consult their course syllabus for alternative assignment due dates. Anything submitted after this time and date will not be accepted for course credit. Students should receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of submitting their assignment to the lab. Please contact the behavioral lab if you do not receive this confirmation email.
**Importantly, students under the age of 18 are not permitted to participate in RBS behavioral studies, and must opt for this alternative assignment if they wish to earn class credit.