Analytics and Information Management (AIM) Concentration

The Analytics and Information Management (AIM) MBA concentration at Rutgers Business School is designed to provide you with the necessary skills needed for a career in any of the major technical areas of management information systems (MIS).

Our courses—ranging from database systems to internet security to software engineering and high-level statistical analysis—will give you an in-depth understanding of database technology and design and its application in managing data resources. You’ll get hands-on instruction with the latest software while learning to take an analytical approach to decision-making.

Some of what you’ll learn

  • Statistics and statistical analysis applied to managerial problems
  • Limitations and potential of statistics
  • Excel and other software packages like R and SAS


Part-time MBA students entering the program prior to Spring 2025 may follow either the pre-spring 2025 concentration or the current concentration.

Rutgers STEM MBA

Students can now earn a STEM MBA. To qualify, students must take a minimum of half of their credits in STEM-designated courses (25-30 credits). The Core Curriculum provides 9 STEM credits. Please use the STEM Link below to view all STEM courses.


fULL-time MBA Primary Concentration: 15 Credits

Elective Area Name

Area 1 (# of credits)

Area 2 (# of credits)

Required Credits

Information Technology

9 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits


3 Credits

9 Credits

3 Credits

Part-time MBA Primary Concentration: 12 Credits

Elective Area Name

Area 1 (# of credits)

Area 2 (# of credits)

Required Credits

Information Technology

6 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits


3 Credits

6 Credits

3 Credits


Part-time MBA SEcondary Concentration: 9 Credits

Elective Area Name

Area 1 (# of credits)

Area 2 (# of credits)

Required Credits

Information Technology

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits


3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

Restrictions: Either Analytics for Business Intelligence or Data Mining can be counted, but not both.


*Foundation Course Requirement: Data Analysis and Decision Making (22:960:575; 3 credits) is a core/foundation course requirement and is a required prerequisite for all students who choose this concentration. This course will count towards the core/foundation course as well as count towards this concentration requirement.

Course #Course NameCredit(s)STEM (Y/N)
22:198:603Business Data Management3Y

ELECTIVE AREA 1 - Information Technology 

ELECTIVE AREA 2 - Analytics

Course #Course NameCredit(s)STEM (Y/N)
16:540:580Quality Management3Y
16:960:586Interpretation of Data3Y
16:960:588Data Mining3Y
22:198:660Business Analytics Programming3Y
22:544:653Game Theoretic Methods for Strategic Decision-Making3Y
22:960:608Business Forecasting3Y
22:960:641Analytics for Business Intelligence3Y
22:960:646Data Analysis and Visualization*3Y
26:198:684Reinforcement Learning3Y
26:960:576Financial Time Series (3)3Y
 Algorithmic Machine Learning3Y



16:198:513 - Designs/Analysis of Data Structure and Algorithms

Discussion of representative algorithms and data structures encountered in applications. Familiarity with Prim and Kruskal minimum spanning tree algorithms and Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.

16:540:580 - Quality Management

Quality management philosophies, Deming, Juran; quality planning, control, and improvement; quality systems, management organizations for quality assurance. Role of operations research.

16:960:586 - Interpretation of Data

Modern methods of data analysis with an emphasis on statistical computing: univariate statistics, data visualization, linear models, generalized linear models (GLM), multivariate analysis and clustering methods, tree-based methods, and robust statistics. Expect to use statistical software packages, such as SAS (or SPSS) and Splus (or R) in data analysis.

Prerequisite: Level IV statistics.

Recommended: Regression Analysis (16:960:563) OR Data Analysis and Decision Making (22:960:575)

16:960:588 - Data Mining

Databases and data warehousing, exploratory data analysis and visualization, an overview of data mining algorithms, modeling for data mining, descriptive modeling, predictive modeling, pattern and rule discovery, text mining, Bayesian data mining, observational studies.

Prerequisite: Applied Multivariate Analysis (16:960:567), Interpretation of Data II (16:960:587), or permission of instructor

22:010:609 - Advanced Design and Development of Information Systems

Examines management's need for advanced information technology in an organization, focusing on the systems and technology that are developed to supply this information. Does not primarily focus on the technical aspects of data processing and computer operations, though these topics will be discussed largely in the context of case examples. Thus, the emphasis is on the management of systems development rather than on specific tools and techniques. Students taking this course are expected to gain survey level knowledge of advanced technological tools of managerial information and the ways these tools can be used.

Prerequisite: Design and Development of Information Systems (22:010:604)

22:198:660 - Business Analytics Programming

Our goal in this course is to learn the principles of programming for business analytics using the Python and R programming languages. Programming is the fundamental background skill based on which all Information Systems are built. Even if it is not your goal to become a software developer, it is essential for an MBA graduate with concentration in Analytics and Information Management to possess a working knowledge of programming and fundamental insights into what a programmer does. This course provides you with this essential knowledge.

Prerequisite: No previous knowledge of programming languages is required. However those of you that are familiar with some other language, particularly C or a C derivative, will have an easier ride in the first few weeks. You need to have access to a personal computer (Windows, Mac or Unix will all work.) You need to be able to download and install software on this machine. You also need to have access to the internet.

22:198:664 - Algorithmic Machine Learning

An in-depth study of machine learning, to impart an understanding of the major topics in this area, the capabilities and limitations of existing methods, and research topics in this field. Inductive learning, including decision-tree and neural-network approaches, Bayesian methods, computational learning theory, instance-based learning, explanation-based learning, reinforcement learning, nearest neighbor methods, PAC-learning, inductive logic programming, genetic algorithms, unsupervised learning, linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction, and kernels methods.

22:198:670 - Information Technology Strategy


22:544:653 - Game Theoretic Methods for Strategic Decision-Making


22:799:659 - Supply Chain Solutions with ERP/SAP

Provides a technical overview of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and their role within an organization. It introduces key concepts of integrated information systems and explains why such systems are valuable to businesses. SAP ECC is introduced to illustrate the concepts, fundamentals, framework, general information, technology context, technological infrastructure, and integration of enterprise-wide business applications. In addition to lectures, students will be guided through several hands-on activities of various business processes in SAP ECC. The objective of this course is to help students: 1) master the basic concepts, architecture and terminology of an ERP system; 2) understand the need and examine the capabilities of ERP systems; and 3) illustrate how integrated information systems can help a company prosper.

22:839:614 - Object Oriented Programming I

The goal of this year-long sequence of courses is to give a rigorous introduction to computer programming and software engineering with special emphasis on applications to financial engineering. Our primary programming language will be C++. This programming language is fast enough to accommodate the performance demanded in financial environments. At the same time C++ is an object oriented language and, as such, is suitable for modern software design. In this course the assumption is that students have had no background in computer programming, although even people who are familiar with some programming language will hopefully benefit and learn new material. In part I in the Fall semester the course will start with basic concepts of programming, but we quickly get into topics in object oriented programming, UML diagrams, and basic patterns. We will also include introduction to basic algorithms and data structures. In part II in the Spring semester, more advanced topics will be covered, including advanced algorithms and data structures especially through introduction to STL and boost libraries, numerical algorithms and introduction to BLAS and LAPACK libraries, design of graphical user interfaces, and concurrent programming (also known as multiprogramming).

22:839:635 - Blockchain & Cryptocurrency


22:960:608 - Business Forecasting

Innovative businesses are using data to make better predictions about their business environment, their business future, and the future of their global competitors. “Big Data” is a business term frequently used these days. Businesses are storing and collecting more data than ever before to gain a competitive edge. McKinsey predicts that data will grow 10-fold by 2015 and 100-fold by 2020. This will result in businesses looking for better data scientists to help them leverage “Big Data” and gain a competitive edge.

In this class, students will use the level R programming language to become data scientists and business forecasters. Specifically, students will learn how to:

  • Understand Data
  • Analyze Data
  • Apply various forecasting methods
  • Leverage forecasts to make decisions
  • Communicate forecasts and recommendations to management

No prior knowledge of R programming is required. You will learn and become proficient in R and obtain hands-on experience of its forecasting package through case studies and real-life examples during each lecture. You will also learn to better communicate your forecast and strengthen your analytical skills. The practical knowledge gained upon completion of this course will help in careers ranging from business analytics to marketing, accounting, financial services, and more.

22:960:641 - Analytics for Business Intelligence

This course is intended for business students of data mining[1] techniques with these goals: 1) To provide the key methods of classification, prediction, reduction, and exploration that are at the heart of data mining; 2) To provide business decision-making context for these methods; 3) Using real business cases, to illustrate the application and interpretation of these methods. The course will cover Classification (e.g. helps banks to determine who will default on a loan, or email filters to determine which emails are spam), Clustering (like classification, but groups are not predefined, as in legitimate vs. spam email, so the algorithm will try to group similar email together for instance), Regression (e.g. how ad campaigns in offline media such as print, audio and TV affect online interest in the advertiser's brand), Association Rule Learning (enables merchants, for example Amazon, to determine which items customers tend to buy together and make suggestions for further purchase, otherwise known as "market basket analysis"); and Neural Nets (helps financial agents to model complex markets for high frequency trading; helps Pandora adapt to your personal radio station). The pedagogical style will use business cases so the student can follow along and implement the algorithms on his or her own with a very shallow learning curve. In addition, students will work in teams to mine their own data. Individual students may request to work on their own company data. The computation platform with be the R Programming language and the specialized packages in data mining.

22:960:646 - Data Analysis and Visualization


26:198:643 - Information Security

Recent years have witnessed widespread use of computers and interconnecting networks, raising demands for security measures to protect the information and relevant systems. This course prepares the students to meet the new challenges in a world of increasing threats to computer security by providing them with an understanding of the various threats and countermeasures. Specifically, students will learn the theoretical advancements in information security, state-of-the-art techniques, standards and best practices. The topics covered in this course include: Study of security policies, models and mechanisms for secrecy, integrity and availability; Mechanisms for mandatory and discretionary controls; Data models, concepts and mechanisms for database security; Basic cryptology and its applications; Security in computer networks and distributed systems; Identity threat; Control and prevention of viruses and other rogue programs. 

26:198:684 - Reinforcement Learning


26:960:576 - Financial Time Series (3)

This course covers applied statistical methodologies pertaining to time series, with en emphasis on model building and accurate prediction. Completion of this course will provide students with enough insights and modeling tools to analyze time series data in the business world. Students are expected to have basic working knowledge of probability and statistics including linear regression, estimation and testing from the applied perspective. We will use R throughout the course so prior knowledge of it is welcome, but not required.