HR and Payroll Forms

Administration and Finance

Position Request Form

All requests must be approved prior to posting in Recruitment, Onboarding, and Classification System (ROCS).

**Do not use this form for self-initiated re-classifications**

Position Request Form

Request to Teach for Additional Compensation

Employees who teach courses must obtain supervisor approval. The teaching must not interfere with the employee’s duties. The maximum number of credits that can be taught by staff for extra compensation during a calendar year (July 1 – June 30) is three (3) credits. Exceptions may be granted in extenuating circumstances that serve a compelling need of RBS or the university with the written approval of the Dean. In such a case, the applicant must attach a memo to the Dean explaining in detail why such an exception should be granted.   This form is required for staff teaching for all Rutgers University units, not just RBS.

Request to Teach Form