New Employee Information

Administration and Finance

The links on this page will provide the information you need immediately, as you begin your career at RBS.

NetID and Email Account

The NetID is a universitywide login used to access many important, secure websites at the university. Your NetID also serves as the username for a Rutgers email account.

RUconnection ID Card

Your RUconnection ID Card serves as your primary form of identification at the university. PLEASE NOTE - In order to receive a RUconnection ID card, new faculty and staff members must have a completed employee record in the payroll system 3 business days prior to requesting an ID card.  Departments can complete a new employee's record prior to the employee's first day of work.  The ID card system relies on data from the payroll systems and automatic data feeds to populate the appropriate ID card data.

Parking and Transportation

All the information you will need to get around Rutgers, including information on obtaining a parking permit, locating parking lots, and using the Rutgers campus bus system.

Ethics Information and Mandatory Training

Review the information on the Rutgers ethics policy and Plain Language Guide.

University Libraries

Access the many resources available at Rutgers' libraries. To use library restricted resources and services, you will need your NetID, email address, and RUconnection ID.  Instructions are available under Faculty Access to Services. Services available are under Information For Faculty. Find the librarian who specializes in your subject area.

New Employee Benefits Orientation

Attend one of these sessions to learn about your comprehensive benefits package.

Campus Maps

Find your ways around Rutgers campuses with these searchable maps.

Search Rutgers

Use the Rutgers Search to find people, websites, buildings, events, university units, and other things such as great places to eat, have fun, and meet people around campus.