Frequently Asked Questions

There is no denying that Rutgers-Newark and RBS is a complex organization with several policies, procedures and expectations. To help clarify these issues, we have developed a library of FAQs for your use. Should you have any additional questions, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Academic Advising FAQs

How do I get in touch with my academic advisor?

During this time, you are strongly encouraged to contact your advisor through email (see below for your advisor’s email address). Your advisor can answer most questions you may have through email, but we also have the ability to virtually meet with you as well, either over the phone or through WebEx, if you would prefer. We would strongly recommend and encourage you to email your advisor for the quickest response time.

Contact my Advisor

What if I just have a quick or general question?

We have set up a virtual front desk should you have a quick or general question. You can access the virtual front desk by going to this link:

  1. You will be asked to download the application, which you do not need to do. At the bottom, you can just click “Join from your browser”
  2. Enter your name and Rutgers email address
  3. Click join meeting

The virtual front desk is open/available Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

What if I don’t have internet at my house?

Students who have technological needs including access to internet should contact our LaunchPad Services.

For more information visit this link:

What if I don’t have a laptop or computer access at home?

Students who have technological needs including access to internet should contact our LaunchPad Services.

For more information visit this link:

What should students with learning disabilities do to try and receive accommodations for their classes?

Please contact the Rutgers University Office of Disability Services (ODS) for assistance.

Please know, the ODS staff is working remotely until further notice. But you can reach the staff via email ( or by phone (973-353-5375).

What should I do if I want to withdraw from one or more courses this semester?

Please email your academic advisor to complete the appropriate paperwork.

General FAQs

First-Year Student FAQs

What does an advisor do?

Academic Advisors help students navigate their academic careers by providing assistance in a number of areas, including course advisement, referrals to academic/administrative departments, and general career navigation. The advisors help students stay on track with their general education and business school requirements, often making course recommendations along the way. Advisors also help undecided students determine their major and minor, taking into account the students’ interests and aptitudes. Advisors also help students experiencing difficulties or challenges, academic or personal, and connect the student with appropriate resources to resolve obstacles blocking the road to success.

Can I change my advisor?

Once a student enrolls in RBS, they are assigned an advisor based on the student’s last name. If you feel the need to change advisors, you must first discuss the situation with your advisor to see if a solution to the issue can be resolved. Advisor assignments are made to keep each advisor’s workload balanced and to ensure advisors have adequate amounts of time to meet with all of their students.

Can my advisor tell my parents what courses I am taking?

In accordance with protections extended by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), your advisor is not able to discuss any information related to your academic record, including your course schedule, unless you give signed, written permission. To grant this permission, you must fill out a FERPA waiver, with specifically what information can be discussed, with who, and within what time. Students are encouraged to discuss their schedules and academic records with their guardians, but ultimately the student is in charge of the direction for their academic career. If parents call or contact the advisor independent of the student without a FERPA waiver on file, the parent will be encouraged to talk to the student directly and reminded of the FERPA limitations.

How many credits are required to be considered full-time?

To be considered a full-time student, an individual must be registered for at least 12 credits. A student is considered Part Time if they choose to register for 11 credits or less. If you are receiving financial aid, be sure to consult with the Financial Aid Office to ensure you are registered for the proper number of credits in order to be in compliance with your financial aid terms and conditions.

Why do I need to take a Placement Test?

Placement exams are given to ensure students are enrolled in the proper courses that fit their current knowledge level. The University does not want students to enroll in courses they are not prepared for, nor do they want students taking courses that are too easy. Each incoming student, unless they will be transferring in the equivalency of English 101 or 102 and Basic Calculus MUST take a placement exam prior to registering for English or Math courses. Visit the Placement Testing Center to sign up for your exam. Additionally, should a student choose to take a foreign language, they must test with the Languages Department to see what level they should register for.

What are “holds”on my academic record and how do I get them removed?

Holds on your record can be, but are not limited to, academic holds, financial holds, library fines, parking tickets, administrative holds (“Dean’s Hold), etc. When you have a hold on your account, you do not have access to WebReg and cannot make any adjustments to your schedule. In order to have the hold removed, you will need to contact the office or department that has placed the hold. You can check for financial holds on your account by going to the Office of Student Accounting, Billing, and Cashiering.

I’m having trouble in a class, what do I do?

Your instructor should always be your first source to turn to if you experience any academic difficulty during your time at RBS. Go to their office for assistance, or send an email to request an appointment. If you are still experiencing difficulties after speaking with your professor, contact your academic advisor. It is not unusual to experience difficulties with classes –especially during the first semester. It takes time to adjust to the expectations and rigors of college-level courses. Be sure to take advantage of the FREE resources on campus, including the Writing Center for writing assistance, KNACK for accounting tutoring and the Learning Center for science and math tutoring.

If I receive a poor grade in a class, can I retake the course?

This question can best be answered in two parts: one for RBS-required courses and the other for General Education Core Requirements.

For RBS-required courses, students must earn at least a C to pass the course. Courses that receive a D or F must be retaken in order for the requirement to be fulfilled. Once a student retakes a course and receives a C or better, the original D or F grade will be factored out of the student’s GPA, and the new “better” grade will factor in. Please note that the D or F will appear on the student’s transcript and academic record.

For General Education Core Requirements, students must earn at least a D. Courses that receive an F are not awarded credit and will not count toward degree requirements. This is for all General Education courses except English, and Math. You must earn C or better grades in English and Math.

Does my chosen major have to relate directly to what I want to do later in life?

In many cases, your career plan will change over time, and your major will not be directly related to it. Employers are less concerned about your exact major than they are about your skills and experiences, including your internships and co-curricular activities. Visit the Office of Career Management and the Career Development Center for more information.

My friend also goes to RBS so I can ask them questions about what courses to take, correct?

Definitely do not do this. Curriculum changes happen quite often and the curriculum path you are on may be different from your friends. Always consult with your academic advisor for any questions you have about the curriculum requirements assigned to you and to ensure the courses you are taking will fulfill your degree requirements. Remember, it is your responsibility to know your curriculum and direct your academic career. If you choose to follow your friend’s advice, the potential negative consequences –including delayed graduation –fall on you.

Should I only register to take Business School courses and leave my Core Requirements to the end?

Remember, electives are your friends! These credits help you reach the required number of hours needed to graduate (120), while also providing a way to balance your schedule. It is best to create a balanced schedule that includes classes that fulfill Core Requirements and Business Requirements.

If I was a good student in high school or at my community college, will my established study habits suffice at RBS?

This may or may not be true. Most students experience challenges in the transition to a four-year institution. You should be prepared to adjust your study methods to address the increased rigors and new demands of intense business school coursework. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the Writing Center, the Learning Center, and KNACK. In addition to helping with course work, the Centers offer assistance with test-taking skills, time management, and relaxation.

Can I change my major?

Students are welcome to change their major at any point in time during their academic career. Changes can be made online via the Forms Portal. Students do not need to make an appointment to change their major.

How do I make an appointment with my advisor?

Appointments with academic advisors are made through the Navigate system. By logging in, students can view their advisors’ availability, and select their appointment date and time. Students must give advisors at least 24 hours advance notice prior to the appointment. If you are running late or need to cancel your appointment, please email your advisor directly. Students who are more than 15 minutes late to their appointment will not be seen and must reschedule for a later date.

Are there ever any Walk-In Advising Hours?

Normally, the answer is no. All advisors are seen by appointment only. The only exception to this policy is during the Add/Drop period at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters and during Priority Registration Week. During these times, advisors will have walk-in hours, seeing their assigned students on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that lines are often long during these times and it is recommended students schedule an appointment prior to these busy times. No appointments will be accepted during Add/Drop and Priority Registration periods.

What is Priority Registration?

Priority Registration is the opening of registration for the upcoming semester. This week-long event allows students the first opportunity to register for classes. In the weeks leading to Priority Registration, students will receive emails detailing the breakdown for the day and time they will be able to register –which is based on total earned credits to date. It is strongly recommended that students meet with their advisor prior to the Priority Registration period in order to go over course selections. Students should also make every effort to register during this week as this is when the greatest number of courses are open and available. Once a course closes, students will not be able to register for that section.

What is a pre-requisite?

A pre-requisite is a course that must be taken before a student is able to take a more advanced course.For example, Financial Accounting must be completed before a student can take Managerial Accounting. Students are not able to override pre-requisites. RBS has a very sequential curriculum, meaning taking courses out of order will result in delayed graduation. It is very important to work with your academic advisor to ensure courses are being taken in the proper order and that all pre-requisites are fulfilled.

Graduation FAQs

Where can I find information about graduation?

Our Senior Year Advisement webpage has lots of useful information regarding graduation.

How do I apply for graduation?

Students apply online via the Online Diploma Application System.

Does the graduation application need to be submitted by a certain date?

Yes, there are specific application deadlines for each term (October, January, May).

Degree GrantedApplication Deadline
OctoberMarch 1 – July 30
JanuaryAugust 15 – October 15
MayNovember 1 – February 15

I received a denial email stating degree requirements were not met/completed. What should I do.?

Please email your academic advisor to schedule an appointment.

If I don’t graduate the semester I applied, do I need to reapply?

Yes, you will need to change your graduation date via the Online Diploma Application System.

When will I receive my diploma?

If you requested your diploma be mailed, via the Online Diploma Application System, you should receive your diploma approximately four weeks after the end of the term. If you requested to pick-up your diploma, an email will be send by the Office of the Registrar once diplomas are available.

How may I request an official transcript?

Official transcripts, with final degrees posted, should be available approximately four weeks after the end of the term. Requests for official transcripts must be made via the Rutgers University Transcript, Verification and Term Grade Request Application.

How does a student graduate with honors?

The honors designation is bestowed upon graduating students who achieve a cumulative grade-point average as follows:

Summa Cum Laude3.850 to 4.00
Magna Cum Laude3.70 to 3.849
Cum Laude3.50 to 3.699

Do my transfer courses count in my grade-point-average for honors?

No, only courses taken at Rutgers University count towards a student’s grade-point-average.

School-to-School Transfer and Re-Enrollment FAQs

How do I apply for a School to School Transfer?

Please go to the School to School Transfer page.

Who do I contact for an update on my application status?

Please contact Lucille Foster, the Assistant Dean here at RBS.

When will my credits be updated?

For School to School Transfer students:

  • Once a student attends the Newly Enrolling student registration, and registers for the semester in which they are admitted, updates will be completed by the end of the following semester.

    Please contact Kevin Collazo

For Re-enrolling Students:

  • Updates are done once the semester in which the student is re-enrolled begins.

    Please contact Kevin Collazo

How do I get in contact with my advisor?

Please go to Contact Us Page to find your advisor’s contact information.

My courses do not fit in Degree Navigator

Unfortunately, courses taken at other Rutgers divisions, such as New Brunswick or Camden, may not fit perfectly into the Rutgers-Newark system. Advisors are able to provide substitutions for courses if in fact there are direct equivalents.

The system is saying that I do not have the pre-requisite but I have taken them?

Most pre-requisites are in our systems, unfortunately, for those that are not, you will need to meet with you advisor for a pre-requisite over-ride.

How do I apply for Re-Enrollment?

Please go to the Re-Enrollment application page.

What do I do if I attended another college while absent from Rutgers?

Students are to send their official College transcripts to

65 Davidson Road –Room 202’

Piscataway, NJ 08854-8097

Do my courses Expire?

Yes, As of Spring 2018 business courses taken seven or more years ago need to be retaken.

I was out of school for more than one semester, what happens?

Students who have been away from Rutgers for more than one semester are required to follow any curriculum changes that occur during their absence from Rutgers.

Transfer Student FAQs

Where and how do I submit my official transcripts?

Transcripts can be mailed to the following addresses:

  • Incoming & First semester students:

    Rutgers University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    65 Davidson Road, RM 308

    Piscataway, NJ 08854-8097
  • Continuing students:

    Rutgers University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    35 Warren St.

    Newark, NJ 07102-1896

Transcripts may be electronically sent to:

What is considered an official transcript?

An official transcript is considered to be a transcript received in a sealed envelope.

When and how will I know what credits have transferred?

You will be notified via email regarding your initial transcript evaluation.

When will I receive my final evaluation?

Your final evaluation will be completed during the start of your first semester.

How and when will I know whether I have received a General Education course waiver?

Your General Education waiver code of 21:999:999 will be added onto your final transcript evaluation provided that you have submitted a final transcript from a NJ County College annotated with your graduation date.

Am I able to meet with an Academic Advisor to find out what credits will transfer to Rutgers before I apply?

Academic Advisors only meet with students who are currently enrolled within the Business School. In order to get an idea of your possible transfer credits you can visit if you are a New Jersey Community College student or you can contact our Assistant Dean, Lucille Foster at

Can my prior coursework ever expire?

Business courses taken over seven years ago are not transferable, therefore you must retake the courses at Rutgers Business School-Newark.

I have a question regarding my transfer evaluation; whom should I speak with?

All questions regarding your transfer evaluation should be addressed with your respective Academic Advisor.

What if want to appeal my transfer evaluation decision?

It is recommended that an appeal be filed within 30 days of receiving the initial evaluation of transfer credits. This appeal should include a reason for the appeal, the desired outcome and all supporting documents (i.e.: course syllabi, etc.). The Appeal Form should not be used to request a course substitution or a waiver.

Does Rutgers University accept graduate coursework?

We do not accept graduate coursework as transfer credit.

Will Rutgers University accept the credits from my previous institution?

Rutgers University will accept credits for courses taken at regionally accredited colleges and universities provided that the course is compatible with the curriculum of RBS, as approved by the faculty, and the courses applicable to the declared program of study. The following are agencies accepted by RBS:

The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Accreditation of colleges in the middle states region (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico).

The New England Association of Schools & Colleges.

Accreditation of colleges in the New England region (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Accreditation of colleges in the north-central region (Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming).

The Northwest Association Of Schools And Colleges.

Accreditation of colleges in the North West region (Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.)

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Accreditation of colleges in the southern region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia)

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Accreditation of colleges in the Western region.

What is the maximum number of transfer credits that Rutgers University will accept towards my degree?

Rutgers will accept a maximum of 90 credits from a four-year institution and a maximum of 65 credits from a Community College.

I went to college in a foreign country. How do I get my credits evaluated?

Students must have their international college transcripts translated and evaluated course by course by an agency associated with the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. For a list of these participating agencies please visit

I have received credits from the military/police academy. Are these credits transferable? What’s the lowest grade that can be awarded as transfer credit?

Only courses that have received a grade of C or better are accepted for transfer. Courses taken at another institution are not included in your Rutgers GPA.

How will I know whether I am exempted from the English and Math Placement Testing?

If you have taken a college-level Math or English course at a previous institution you will be exempted from taking our Placement exam, providing that these courses are direct equivalent to our college-level English and Math courses.