
Adding/Dropping Courses

Rutgers Business School: Newark Undergraduate students may add courses through the ninth calendar day of the semester on the Rutgers website. Dates for add/drop are listed on the Newark registrar's website. Students may drop courses (without penalty) through the eighth calendar day of the semester. From the ninth calendar day until the end of the ninth week of instruction of the semester, a student may drop a course on the Rutgers website or in person at the registrar's office and receive a W (withdrawal) grade. For each course dropped after the eighth calendar day of the semester, the university charges tuition for the course, and the course appears on the record.

No course may be withdrawn after the ninth week of the semester. A student who stops attending a course(s) and fails to properly withdraw from a course(s) or the institution will receive a failing grade in that course. No refund is granted for a course dropped after the eighth calendar day of the semester.

Auditing Courses Without Registration

Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate - Newark does not permit students (full–time, part-time, or non-matriculated students) to audit courses without registration.

Communication to Students

Communication to students will be done using email whenever possible; this will include all general information and other information specific to an individual student (i.e. Probation Notification, Dismissal from RBS Notification, Deletion from Graduation List Notification, etc.).  

All RBS students are required to register a Net-ID and password, as well as, an official email address. To obtain a Rutgers email address, please click here.

All RBS students are expected to check their email at least twice a week during the academic year.

Complaints Concerning Grades

Complaints concerning grades should proceed in the following manner:  

  • The student should attempt to resolve the matter individually with the instructor. If the student remains unsatisfied with the outcome, the student should:
  • Submit a letter for evaluation to the Department Chair, who is required to respond in writing to the student's petition within two weeks. If the student remains unsatisfied with the outcome, the student should:
  • Submit a letter for evaluation to the Associate Dean of Rutgers Business School, Newark Undergraduate Program, who is required to respond in writing to the student’s petition within two weeks.

If the complaint is regarding work completed while the course is still in progress, a student has two weeks after notification of the grade to submit a written complaint about the grade to the department chairperson.

If the complaint is regarding the student’s final grade, a student has four weeks after the official notification of grades to submit a written complaint about a final grade to the department chairperson.

Course Credit Load

Students are not allowed to register for more than 19 credits for Fall/Spring semester, 14 credits Summer Session, or 3 credits Winter Session. An exception may be made for those students, who meet certain criteria, to register for one (1) additional course, their last semester of enrollment in order to graduate. Students seeking this exception must receive permission from their assigned RBS Academic Advisor and meet the following criteria:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.25

Declaration of RBS Double Major

RBS Students with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of  3.00 may declare a double major within the Rutgers Business School-Newark Undergraduate Program by completing the RBS Request to Double Major form and submitting the completed form to the RBS Newark Undergraduate Program Office, 1 Washington Park, Suite 324 During the Academic Resource Hours. Students must submit the RBS Request to Double Major Form prior to earning 90 credits. No student will be allowed to double major once they have earned 90 or more credits. If a student fails to maintain a 3.0 grade point-average at 90 credits or more, the secondary major will automatically be dropped. In addition, during graduation certification, if a student has failed to achieve a 3.0 grade-point average, the secondary major will be withdrawn.


RBS policy prohibits students from being reinstated or added back into their courses after they have been de-registered for non-payment. If a student is de-registered from the semester, the student is NOT allowed to attend classes, complete any assignments, or take any exams, and will NOT be added back into their courses for the term.

The Office of Student and Academic Services (OSAS) will do its due diligence in notifying students prior to de-registration. OSAS will also notify the instructors of those students de-registered for non-payment.

​​​​​​​Double-Counting Courses

If you are a double major in Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark (RBS) departments, and are utilizing a particular course to count for a requirement in each of two majors, you are only permitted to do this "double count" ONE TIME, in RBS. Once you have utilized your one opportunity to "double count" a course between two majors, you will have exhausted this possibility for the remainder of your bachelor's degree. One "double count" possibility, per student.

No course may be double-counted between major requirements and concentration requirements.  Concentrations must be a total of three additional courses beyond your major program requirements.

Grade Forgiveness

Any student who has not been registered at Rutgers University-Newark for at least eight consecutive semesters (fall and spring semesters) may elect to have grades of D and F for courses taken at Rutgers University during the previous period of enrollment expunged from the calculation of their grade-point average at the time of completion of the first semester following their reentry into Rutgers University-Newark, upon successful completion of an academic contract. The terms of the contract will be determined by an adviser from the advising office in the school of enrollment. These D and F grades will continue to appear on the student's transcript. This grade forgiveness policy will not apply to grades XF, which signifies a failing grade given as a result of the student's having been found guilty of an academic integrity violation.

Graduate Credits for Undergraduate Degree

An RBS undergraduate student will be permitted to take up to 6 graduate credits in a specialized Master's program, if all the following conditions are met:

  • The student must be a junior/senior (61 or more completed credits), with a minimum GPA of 3.3.
  • The student meets any additional constraints imposed by the Program Director, in consultation with the Department Chair (when applicable).
  • The Program Director verifies above and provides approval.
  • The Dean's office must provide final approval.


Degrees are conferred by the university upon recommendation of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Newark and the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark. Degrees are conferred and diplomas issued at the annual commencement each May. A student who completes degree requirements in October or January may request a diploma in December or April, respectively. October and January diplomas may be picked up at the Office of the Registrar.

Diplomas and official transcripts are withheld if a student has a hold against his or her record.

It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that all the graduation requirements of the school, including certification of the major, have been fully met well before the expected date of graduation. Student records are officially closed upon graduation. A graduate cannot improve his or her cumulative grade-point average by completing work or taking additional courses after the degree has been conferred. Inquiries concerning graduation may be directed to your academic advisor at the Rutgers Business School: Newark Undergraduate Program Office, 1 Washington Park, Third Floor, Room 324 during a scheduled appointment or via email.

Diploma application forms must be completed and submitted via the Online Diploma Application by candidates for graduation as follows:

Degree GrantedApplication Deadline
AugustFebruary 16 - July 30
JanuaryAugust 15 - October 15
MayNovember 1 - February 15

Unless the application is filed by the appropriate deadline, the degree is not conferred and graduation is delayed.

Requests to have degrees granted in absentia should be sent to the Office of the Registrar as early as possible, and should indicate the address to which the diploma should be mailed.

Non-degree Non-matriculating Students

Individuals who do not wish to matriculate or work toward a degree may enroll in selected courses for two semesters. These applicants should complete the online application at admissions.rutgers.edu and select Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark when prompted to select colleges on the application. Non-matriculating students should submit the same credentials as are required for matriculating students. Bachelor degree holders must submit all college transcripts but are exempt from the high school transcript requirement.

If the student has already earned a bachelor's degree from any division of Rutgers University, an application with the admissions office is not required. Rather, students should submit an online application for re-enrollment by the posted deadline date. If you should have any additional questions you may contact the Office of Academic Services at 973-353-5169.

Note: Non-matriculating students:

  1. Must have completed all required prerequisites for any course for which they choose to enroll.
  2. May not take more than 12 credits in any semester.
  3. May not take more than 24 credits overall at the college as a non-matriculated student.

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, also encourages senior citizens to audit courses on a noncredit, space-available basis. New Jersey residents aged 62 and older may attend classes free of charge under this program. Those interested in attending should contact the Senior Citizen Audit Program.

Official Auditing of Courses (Courses Taken Not-For-Credit)

A student may enroll in a course without receiving academic credit if (1) space is available, (2) the Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate -Newark Dean's Office has given advance approval, and (3) the instructor is notified by the Dean's Office. At registration an N is placed in the credit–hour prefix column by the registrar's office. Students must pay the normal tuition fee for the course and fulfill the same requirements during the semester as all other students, including the execution of any written assignments.  Students must perform all the assigned work; however, they may not take the final examination. The student is graded S or U (satisfactory or unsatisfactory), and the course and grade are entered on the student's permanent record, but no credit is given toward a degree for the course.

Readmission to RBS-Newark Undergraduate Program

A student who is dismissed from RBS-Newark Undergraduate Program for any reason, who withdraws during a semester, or who fails to register for the next regularly scheduled semester (not including Summer Session) may not register again without receiving permission to reenter the college from the RBS-Newark Undergraduate Program or the Scholastic Standing Committee. Students seeking reentry to the college must initiate the process at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester for which registration is sought.

Continuing students in good academic standing who have been absent from the university for one or more semesters, must re-enroll via the Application for Re-Enrollment.

Students who are not in good academic standing, who were academically dismissed, must submit a formal letter of appeal. Please refer to the Scholastic Standing Policy for additional information regarding appeals.


Students academically dismissed from Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate – Newark program may petition for reinstatement once 8 semesters has elapsed. Petitioning to return requires a letter be submitted by July 1 to the Scholastic Standing Committee. The letter should include:

  1. Student’s name, phone number, RU ID number and email address
  2. The requested return semester
  3. Why the interest in returning to RBS?
  4. Reasons for poor academic performance and how those reasons have been eliminated or are being handled. (If emotional, physical, or psychological problems contributed to the poor performance, include signed statements from physicians, counselors, etc. Submitted statements will remain confidential)
  5. Official transcript(s) from any institutions attended since dismissal
  6. At the end of the petition, please include statements acknowledging that reinstatement is not guaranteed and reinstated students are placed on academic probation until the cumulative GPA is at least 2.5.

The letter and supporting documents can sent to:

Scholastic Standing Committee

Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark Program

1 Washington Park, Room 324

Newark, NJ 07102

Residency Requirement

Students matriculated (i.e., registered in pursuit of a degree) at Newark College of Arts and Science (NCAS), Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate–Newark (RBS), School of Criminal Justice (SCJ), School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA), or University College–Newark (UC-N) must complete a minimum of 30 of their last 42 credits while registered in classes offered by Rutgers–Newark or registered in special programs approved in writing by the appropriate dean's office. In the case of joint-degree programs with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), courses taken for the major at NJIT will meet the residency requirements.

Scholastic Standing for Minors

Any one of the following conditions will result in the removal of a Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate – Newark program minor:

  • Cumulative grade-point average lower than 2.0
  • Two grades of D (1.0) or F (0.0) received in minor courses
  • Two grades of D (1.0) or F (0.0) received in the same minor course

Students whose minors have been removed can appeal to the Scholastic Standing Committee if there are extenuating circumstances that account for poor academic performance. This must be done, in writing, by the date indicated within the removal letter. The appeal must be written by the student. Presenting false or intentionally misleading information in the appeal may result in immediate dismissal of the appeal and/or judicial charges. The appeal should be no more than four (4) pages and must be received before the deadline date outlined in the removal letter.

The letter of appeal must include:

  1. Student’s name, RUID number, current address and Rutgers email address
  2. Circumstances that negatively affected the student’s academic performance during the semester of the dismissal
  3. What was done to address these issues, or what is being done if these circumstances are still ongoing
  4. Any administrative contact made with RBS: UG-Nwk, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, or any outside office(s) to address these issues, and the outcome of these efforts
  5. Appropriate supporting documentation

If students choose not to appeal or if the appeal is rejected, the minor removal will be final. Students will not be eligible to declare any additional RBS: UG-Nwk minor.

Second Degree Students

Degree holding students who want to earn a second Bachelor degree at RBS - Newark must apply on-line through the Rutgers-Newark Admissions Office at admissions.rutgers.edu. Rutgers graduates must reenroll via the Application for Re-enrollment. All second degree candidates must complete all RBS pre-eligibility courses, the RBS core and major requirements, and complete a minimum of 30 credits. Those already holding a Bachelor of Science from RBS – Newark, must complete the major courses and a minimum of 30 credits. (Presumably the core has already been completed. If however, additional courses have been added to the core, these must be completed for graduation). 


Degree holding students who wish to earn a major in Accounting and sit for the CPA should consult with the Accounting department to determine the combination of courses that are most appropriate for their needs. Currently, only those students with 150 credits may sit for the test.

Senior Citizen Audit Program

Seven Year Rule

Students have 7 years from the time of admissions to complete their degree. Therefore any business course 7 years or older must be retaken. Students must earn a C or better.

Student Responsibility to Keep Informed

The Rutgers-Newark Undergraduate Catalog, along with the Schedule of Classes and registration material distributed each semester, provides essential information to all Rutgers-Newark students. Students are responsible for keeping informed of current policies, procedures, and changes that appear in these publications and in the official notices that are announced or posted.

Students should also be aware that the curricular requirements are those in effect in the academic year of their admission. Students who withdraw for two or more semesters are subject to the requirements in effect the semester that they return. Students who change their major are governed by the curricular requirements and regulations in effect during the academic year in which the change is made.