Rutgers Women in Business

As the next generation of women in business, it is our responsibility and our privilege, to strengthen the presence of women professionals in the workforce. Rutgers Women in Business (RWIB) encourages and supports the professional and personal growth of female MBA candidates through continuing education, networking, and social opportunities, creating a robust community of Rutgers students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and leaders in the outside business community.

Our goals are to:

  • Utilize existing relationships and networks for high-achieving women to provide targeted programs, speakers, and services
  • Partner with strong leaders across industries to provide inspiring role models for current students
  • Provide opportunities for development of leadership skills
  • Foster an environment of inclusion and opportunity for all Rutgers MBA students

Contact Rutgers Women in Business

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or suggestions regarding RWIB, please contact the President or the Vice Presidents.


Fatima Farid
Fatima Farid

Fatima Farid is a Full-time Rutgers MBA candidate with a concentration in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics and Information Technology. She has almost three years of work experience in non-profit organizations targeting Human Rights and women’s rights through social services and community development. She was a youth activist who advocated for youth roles in peace and security. She completed her master’s degree in Gender, Culture, and Development Studies from Pune University of India.  

She believes that men and women will unavoidably come from diverse backgrounds and have distinct experiences that influence how they do business and how they approach business and industries, therefore, collaboration with others who have divergent viewpoints and interrogation of one another may foster innovation and advance novel concepts that advance organizations. Her aim to lead the RWIB team is to bring relevant discussions on women-owned businesses and how women collaboratively lead firms. She is excited to encourage a new generation of female leaders through networking events and discussions that the RWIB team is going to lead. 


Vice President

Anulika Onuegbu
Anulika Onuegbu

Anulika Onuegbu is a Full-time Rutgers MBA Student Majoring in Supply Chain. She has over 16 years work experience in Customer Service, Sales, Admin, Logistic and Operations. She started her career as a Customer Service agent in the airline Industry, rose to the position of a Duty Manager before moving to Sales. She was a sales Manager for a year before moving into the oil and gas sector as an Admin Site Coordinator where she supervised the protocol and logistics for ongoing projects in the Company. She relocated to the United States and started a job with Amazon in 2019 during the pandemic. Working with Amazon during the pandemic, built her passion for Supply chain.

Anulika is very passionate about her family, job and her customers. She loves touching lives and putting a smile on people’s faces. She is willing to do everything possible to make a difference and reach out to as many people as possible. Her aim is to lead women to achieve their goals in business by creating enabling environment through people experience, workshops and seminars that will teach and motivate women to achieve their dreams in business while leading the RWIB team.
