Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity, and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
About Delta Sigma Pi
The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi is one of the largest professional and business fraternities in the world.
Founded on November 7, 1907, at the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance of New York University, New York, New York, and is currently headquartered in Oxford, Ohio. The Fraternity has 296 collegiate chapters with over 280,000 initiated members worldwide.
Since 1907, we have been at the forefront of professional development and academic excellence among business undergraduate students across the globe.

Membership Benefits
● Annual & by semester social events on campus for brothers and their guests
● Tutoring and academic help for courses within and beyond RBS curriculum
● Internship and full-time career placement assistance
● Networking opportunities with chapter connections
● Access to national fraternity hub, which provides career opportunities, scholarship resources and student discounts
● Resume critique & mock interviews with experienced brothers or alumni
● A lifelong brotherhood in a historic organization with individuals in business!

How can I join Delta Sigma Pi?
Also, feel free to email us at rutgersnewarkdsp@gmail.com
Executive Board Members
President |
Tushira Venkatayogi |
Senior Vice President |
Georg Beshay |
Chancellor |
Jeremiah Gouda |
Vice President of Chapter Operations |
Muhammad Daniyal |
Vice President of Pledge Education |
Jad Soufi |
Chairperson of Fundraising |
Vardaan Tandon |
Vice President of Human Resources |
Akwei Bortey |
Chapter Webmaster |
Justin Hong |
Vice President of Professional Events |
Anthony Briones |
Vice President of Marketing |
Preeti Jadhav |
Vice President of Finance |
Sudharshan Balaji |
Social Chair |
Ricky Dhar |
Follow us on Social Media!
For more information, please contact: rutgersnewarkdsp@gmail.com