Members of the group pose for a group photo during a Boeing information session

Business Association of Supply Chain Expertise (BASE)

BASE logo - The cornerstone of your career, the foundation of your future

BASE’s Mission

BASE is dedicated towards building students’ professional skills, with an emphasis on hard skills, and preparing them to work productively within the supply chain industry and the business world as a whole. 

About BASE

The purpose of this organization is to assist students in developing imperative skills that are used in the professional world. This organization and the skills promoted by this organization are beneficial to all business majors, with a special concentration on Supply Chain majors. BASE focuses on VOLUNTARY student development. Industries as well as students have identified the need for all universities to better prepare students for analysis, problem-solving, and presentation skills. BASE is in direct response to an overwhelming reaction from corporations such as Caterpillar, Mondelez, and the Advisory Board of the Center for Supply Chain Management to address the aforementioned needs of students that they will need upon entering the workforce.

Members meet in groups during the Interview Preparation GIM

Membership Benefits

  • Members of BASE are given the opportunity to learn about supply chain and develop their soft and hard skills as professionals. 
  • They also have the opportunity to network with many prospective companies and learn about what professionals in the supply chain field do in their daily lives. 
  • Members also have a chance to sign up for our Excel program where students have the chance to test their excel skills for certification.

Three members tabling at the involvement fair

How can I join BASE?

BASE has general interest meetings every other Tuesday from 8-9PM room 3031 in the RBS building. You can follow our social media to look out for our next upcoming interest meetings. If you are busy on Tuesday nights, we also offer many networking events with companies and professional development nights. There is no requirement to join BASE, we are an inclusive organization welcoming all majors interested in the supply chain industry and want to learn more. If you want to get more involved with the organization, there will be applications sent out for committee member positions in the fall.

2022-2023 Board Members


Ming-Wai Cheung
Vice President

Vaidehi Patel
Director of Professional Development

Matthew Tan
Director of Event Planning

Rishub Talreja
Director of Marketing

Anindita Singh
Excel Director

Akhil Dwasarir

Celine Chu

Kalyani Pradeep

Connect with us on Social Media and visit our webpage!

Facebook Website Instagram

Students sitting in a classroom

Contact BASE

For more information, please email: